
June 12, 2024

Wabi Sabi
Vetro-records/exchange 021

An application of intense high pitches into a coordinated program of congruent but still discordant timbres, Wabi Sabi is the most recent duo project of Swiss soprano saxophonist/bass clarinetist Christoph Erb and French-Japanese violist Frantz Loriot. Over the course of nine brief tracks the two seek to take pleasure in impermanence, which is one translation of the title. It’s a met challenge for Erb who over the years has worked with the likes of Jim Baker, or Loriot whose playing partners during that same time have included Jason Kahn.

Since the essence of free improvisations lies in its in-the-moment impermanence, the disc is best appreciated by not seeking consistent melodies or sequences but noting the thesis-antithesis devised by each player. Besides the odd glissandi or more frequent sul tasto string skimming, the violist’s focus is on irregular string scratches, prestissimo squeals and bow pressure that brings out the strings’ metallic qualities. His pizzicato plinks and pops suggest mandolin strums or banjo twangs, and if it serves a purpose, he hand drums on the viola’s wood. In response or to begin a dialogue Erb often concentrates on shrill squeaks which double and intensify as the piece undulates forward in irregular patterns. Besides seemingly  masticating the reed into nephritic extremes, as on “Yügen”, his sax work is also notable for propelling dissected puffs and breaths in response to string spins and stops

Erb’s bass clarinet paradigm is dissimilar however. Beginning with pronounced tongue stops and key slaps on “Yohaku-no-bi”, his vibrations are expressed with higher and thinner trills. Connecting with  Loriot’s emaciated string glissandi, the duo creates the equivalent of a concerto for shrill, vibrating timbres.

Without neglecting horizontal movement for piercing expositions, at points Erb and Loriot together create a coarse drone that combines pressure and power so that an auditory reflection underlines and remains after the track is completed.

Wabi Sabi doesn’t project conventional chamber sounds by any means. But it’s worth investigation by those who are non-prejudiced and adventurous.

–Ken Waxman

Track Listing: 1. Wabi Sabi 2. Iki 3. Yabo 4. Yügen 5. Kire 6. Shibusa 7. Yohaku-no-bi 8. Gutai 9. Kawaii

Personnel: Christoph Erb (bass clarinet and soprano saxophone) and Frantz Loriot (viola)