Evelyn Glennie/Szilard Mezei Polar Quartet

July 1, 2024

Capt’s Look
Fundacja Sluchaj! FSR 18/2023

There’s nothing like a dame goes the old (sexist) refrain. But in the case of Capt’s Look it’s warranted. That because the dame in question is Scottish percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie, whose honorific title is the equivalent of a UK knighthood. Ironically while Glennie is best known for her work in the notated music and pop fields her apt idiophone coloration on this live disc helps urge members of Serbian violinist Szilard Mezei’s group towards one of the most jazz-oriented of its many creative music sessions.

Mezei whose vast discography includes disc include everything from solo to big band sessions is joined on these instant compositions by fellow Serbs with whom he usually works: Bogdan Ranković on reeds, bassist Ervin Malina and vibraphonist/percussionist Ivan Burka – as well as Glennie.

During the title track and a brief encore, the percussionist provide polychromatic backing including sounds of resonating metal bars, maracas shakes, guiro-like scratches, plastic bottle like pops, bell chiming and intermittent hand and sticks drum ruffs and shuffles. With the addition of Malina’s insistent pulse, Ranković highlights timbres ranging from tough alto saxophone bites to smeared bass clarinet lowing. Meanwhile Mezei’s gentling string whorls, strained spiccato stops, formalist glissandi or pizzicato plinks reflect the sound to which he’s relating.

Sliding through speedy and loudly emphasized passages as well as brief hushed interludes, the upshot is multi-tempo, multi-pitch creative music that belies Glennie’s guest status. This expressive program confirms the percussionist’s ability to create a role within purely improvised music and equally how Mezei and associates adroitly adapt to unique musical situations.

–Ken Waxman

Track Listing: 1. Capt’s Look 2. Lock

Personnel: Bogdan Ranković (clarinet, bass clarinet and  alto saxophone); Szilárd Mezei (viola); Ervin Malina (bass); Ivan Burka (vibraphone and percussion) and Evelyn Glennie (percussion)