Udo Schindler/Olaf Rupp

October 21, 2024

Creative Sources CS 833 CD

Entropy Hug
Not Applicable NOTO 74

A sound production expert as well as a guitarist, Berlin-based Olaf Rupp has performed with everyone from Rudi Mahall to Tony Buck. While uncompromising as an improviser, he also constantly seeks new musical situations and these discs, recorded two years apart, pinpoint his scope. Entropy Hug is a 2021 meeting that blends his percussive but sensitive string patterns with the contrasting tones of veteran locals, bass clarinetist Lothar Ohlmeier and soprano saxophonist Frank Paul Schubert. Part of a visit two years later, HerzAtmungen finds Rupp as one of the many creative musicians who trade ideas with Krailling-based Udo Schindler. Although there’s only one horn player as opposed to the two on the other disc, Schindler makes up for it by moving among bass clarinet, alto saxophone, cornet and tuba.

Freeform and freewheeling, Rupp’s guitar strategies on HerzAtmungen’s six improvisations depend in part on what instrument Schindler is playing. Tuba drones are complemented with buzzing finger picking; the cornet’s brassy triplets are met with concentrated strokes; while the nearly endless chalumeau register clarinet lowing brings out jagged string twangs and frails. Guitar and alto saxophone pairing suggest the most expected approaches, with widening reed timbres turning to concentrated scoops and multiphonics sometimes held for protracted intervals. Rupp counters with metallic emphasis, vibrating projectiles on his string set, while cushioning the saxophonist’s note bending with complementary buzzes and slides.

Not that Rupp’s improvising is merely reactive. At some points his slurred fingering and ringing single notes causes Schindler to dig bent notes from within his horn’s body tube and suck on his mouthpiece. A slide down one string brings out ambulatory dog-like yelps from Schindler, while lean, interspaced string frails lead to reed shakes and wide-open horn expressions.

Bookended by an introduction of hearty tube drones from “HerzAtmungen #1” to the concluding “HerzAtmungen #6”, the kaleidoscopic interaction always includes a continuum, propelled equally, though not in tandem by bass clarinet growls or dominating string flanges. However the best instance of tone transfiguration occurs on the extended “HerzAtmungen #3”, Schindler’s shift from alto saxophone to clarinet emphasizes altissimo squeals, clarion puffs, reed bites and finally squeezed split tones, while Rupp at various times emphasizes jagged strokes, warm timbral reconsiderations, knob twisting amp buzzes, bottleneck clicks and emphasized string picks in the mandolin range.

Since each player sticks to one instrument, Entropy Hug’s five selections are organized in a dissimilar manner. With chamber music intent, each trio member’s contribution reflects upon the others, although its Rupp’s positioned string strums and clanks which create and preserve the bottom ostinato. The guitarist’s measured plinks and frails also often underline the vibrating contrasts between Ohlmeier’s bass clarinet scoops and clarion buzzes and Schubert’s horizontal saxophone trills and split tones.

With warm strokes and stops, Rupp’s chording complements the reeds tandem evolution. Intertwining soprano saxophone delicacy and bass clarinet toughness, the result is a particular form of story telling in which the narratives end up reflecting multiple pitches, timbres and tinctures. If the woodwind notes become too well-shaped or near motionless as on parts of “Rejoice and exult” however, the guitarist adds zither-liker below-the-bridge stings and string snaps to liven things up again. Blending disparate tones and tempos, the trio ends up with a musical program that is as bouncing and animated as it is relaxed and unified.

Rach disc also highlights how Rupp reacts to complementary but individual improvised impetus.

–Ken Waxman

Track Listing: HerzAtmungen: 1. HerzAtmungen #1 2. HerzAtmungen #2 3. HerzAtmungen #3 4. HerzAtmungen #4 5. HerzAtmungen #5 6. HerzAtmungen #6

Personnel: HerzAtmungen: Udo Schindler (bass clarinet, alto saxophone, cornet and tuba) and Olaf Rupp (guitar)

Track Listing: Entropy: 1. Zoot suit elegy 2. Mere surmise sir 3. Old dog new trick 4. Rejoice and exult 5. Merry berry

Personnel: Entropy: Frank Paul Schubert (soprano saxophone); Lothar Ohlmeier (bass clarinet) and Olaf Rupp (guitar)